Garfield Community Directory - Garfield Community Website

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Garfield Community Directory

and Play ▼
Programs we deliver include:
  • Food Relief every second Wednesday
  • Computer/Digital Device Tutoring
    Every Tuesday 10.30am - 12.30pm
  • Garfield Artist Club
    Every Thursday 10.30am - 2pm
  • Health & Well-being
  • Welding/Woodwork & Social Groups
  • Garfield Community Garden
Some of our regular services include:
  • Community Information
  • Free Computer Access
  • Internet & Resume Support
  • Printing, Photocopying

Contact us on
Mobile: 0428 372 686
We are located at:
Garfield Recreation Reserve
(Garfield Pool Building)
2B Beswick Street
Garfield Scout Hall
1 Beswick Street
Garfield Vic 3814

The Garfield Community Shop is a voluntarily run shop selling second hand goods at reasonable prices.
Our shop is like your old-fashioned Op Shop packed full of great bargains.
We stock clothing, shoes, books, bric-a-brac, small electrical goods and furniture.
All profits raised by this shop are fed directly back into the local community.
New volunteers are always welcome.
Located at
71 Main Street
Garfield VIC 3814

Phone: 0490 141 918
Opening Hours

Mon - Fri 9.30am-4.30pm
Sat 9.30am-12.30pm
Sun closed

Garfield Community Association
Our association meets on the second Tuesday of each month (excluding January) at Brewsters Foodstore & Cafe at 5.30pm
Meetings are open to everyone and we welcome you to come along and see what we do for you and our community and how you may be able to assist.
Our Association looks after the Community Christmas Festival; our Garfield Community Garden and much more.
For more details please contact Brewsters on 0407 151 202

A place of peace and sharing.
To nurture a community oasis, growing a productive and beautiful garden;
for everyone to enjoy and for the Community to connect and grow.
Located in Beswick Street (next to the Skate Park)
Phone: 0466 496 107
March Planting Guide

About Us

As a result of hundreds of businesses severely impacted by the Bunyip Complex bushfires in March 2019, several passionate volunteers formed the West Gippsland Progress Association Inc. (WGPA), which is now at the forefront of the community's long-term economic recovery and resilience effort.

In addition to the impact of the bushfires, many local businesses have also suffered considerable losses due to the COVID 19 pandemic, which has further enhanced the motivation and drive of WGPA to support the local economic recovery even further.
Our Mission.
To develop a network and partnerships for businesses within our local community in the West Gippsland region. Engage local businesses and key community organisations to develop and execute plans which enhance the local economy. Provide a forum that enhances small business development and mentoring opportunities.

Garfield Pony Rescue
Garfield/Pakenham Pony Rescue

What we do

The mission of Pakenham Pony Rescue (Not for Profit) Organisation is to rescue, rehabilitate, retrain, re-socialise and re-home abandoned, surrendered, mistreated, lost and un-loved Miniature Horses, Ponies and other Equines.

With gentle approaches, regular human contact and expert training we teach these animals to trust again.

How you can help

Our range of Special Events

Picnic at Mini Pony Ranch - Pony Rides - Parties & Functions
Contact us for more details.
0414 310 600
Join us on Facebook

Wildlife Victoria

Please call Wildlife Victoria for help and they will organise a quick and safe rescue for all wildlife.
Even if you just have a question, please call!

Please keep all animals in a warm, safe and quiet place if you can.

Vet clinics will NOT charge you for wildlife brought into clinic, so there is another option.

Wildlife Victoria - (03) 8400 7300

For kangeroo rescues contact WISH on 0402 393 667 Wildlife Incident Safe Haven Inc. as they are based around Berwick and can be up quickly!
(03) 8400 7300

Why should you plant locally native plants?
Indigenous plants are more hardy and easier to maintain than others. They generally need less water, saving you money and reducing water usage. Indigenous plants also provide food and shelter for native animals and make a beautiful addition to any garden.

We are open on Fridays from 9am-12pm
Also Saturdays from 9am-1pm
from 5 November until Christmas
(03) 5947 7871

Bunyip RSL

Bunyip Hall
Post: 9 George Street
Bunyip Vic 3815

David Papley (Secretary)  0438 295 568    Email:

Colin Teese (President)  0427 059 962   Email:

Justice of the Peace FREE Signing Centres operate at:

Due to COVID restrictions please check timings.

Plus at:

Warragul Library
Hours of operation: Weekdays 10:00am - 2:00pm
Address: 73 Victoria Street, Warragul 3820
Parking at the rear.

For bookings PH: Melva - 5629 2748 or 0427 292 748

Meets every Friday 9.30am - 12pm
at Garfield Community Centre.
P.O. Box 47, Garfield.
PH: Lara 0421 150 855, Erin 0422 544 771

P.O.Box 28, Garfield.
Mark PH: 0402259780

P.O. Box 108, Garfield.
Glen PH: 0425 883 568 Jason PH: 0422 309 933.
Beswick St, Garfield. PH: 5629 4423

Meet 2nd Wednesday & 4th Saturday of the month.
Contact president PH: 5942 8314

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