Emergency Services - Garfield Community Website

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Emergency Services

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In case of an emergency please call
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Automated External Defibrillator

Automated External Defibrillator Units Located at:

Garfield Bowling Club - Beswick Street
Garfield Golf Club - 180 Thirteen Mile Road
Garfield Post Office - 77 Main Street
Garfield Recreation Reserve - Beswick Street
Victoria Police  
Victoria Police Stations
Opening Hours       24 Hours

Street Address       780 Princes Hwy

Suburb                   Pakenham

State                     Victoria

Postcode                3810

Phone                    (03) 5945 2500

Fax                        (03) 5945 2525

Email                    pakenham-uni@police.vic.gov.au

DX                        218225
Opening Hours       Phone ONLY

Street Address       4 Pearson Street

Suburb                   Bunyip

State                     Victoria

Postcode                3815

Phone                    (03) 5629 5205

Fax                        (03) 5629 5999

Email                     bunyip-uni-oic@police.vic.gov.au

DX                        218225
Opening Hours        NON 24 Hours

Street Address        184 Princes Hwy

Suburb                   Drouin

State                     Victoria

Postcode                3818

Phone                    (03) 5625 2003

Fax                        (03) 5625 2640

Email                     drouin-uni@police.vic.gov.au

DX                        218225
Country Fire Authority
Country Fire Authority Victoria
Vic Emergency
Vic Emergency

Vic Emergency App

App Store               Google Play
Ambulance Victoria
Ambulance Victoria

Support Ambulance Victoria
Become an Ambulance Victoria member and be protected against the cost of transport and treatment by our highly skilled paramedics.

From $49.08 Single and $98.15 Family
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