Moy Yan Neighbourhood House - Garfield Community Website

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Moy Yan Neighbourhood House

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The Bunyip & District Community House was established to promote well-being through a range of health, lifestyle and learning activities and designed to promote social inclusion for members of Bunyip and the surrounding communities.

The opening ceremony was conducted on July 17th 2002, and received considerable support from the community. Cardinia Shire Council attendees included acting Mayor Max Papley and Member for Gippsland West, Susan Davies.

In March 2020, the Community House moved locations to Beswick St, Garfield after a change in management. The new premises is very small but with the implementation of a shipping container, the House found the space to provide food relief to the community through-out the Covid-19 pandemic and still continues to provide this service.

The 16th of July 2022 marked the 20th anniversary of the Bunyip & District Community House and it was on this day that it was officially renamed Moy-Yan Neighbourhood House.

Moy-Yan was chosen as one of 3 possible names provided by the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation to depict the regions silver wattle tree which is prominent throughout the West Gippsland region. The colours of the logo represent the colours of the silver wattle tree, the land and the sea. We hope that the name reflects the safe and inclusive meeting place for our first nations people and to all demographics of this region.

Jen Belsar and Nicole Schade
Nicole is leaving for a new position in Adelaide to take on a community house role. This is a really exciting opportunity for her but she will miss the people of the region that have visited and supported the House over the past 3 years.
In the interim, Jen Belsar will be fulfilling the Manager position. Jen's background is in community development and facilitating women's workshops in art, carpentry and welding in the community and from her own gallery "Hammerhead Gallery" in Gippsland.

When you enter the Neighbourhood House, you will be greeted with a warm smile by our manager, volunteers and tutors.

We make it our aim to ensure people feel safe, secure and comfortable experience when they walk in.

Some of the programs we deliver include:
• Women’s Shed
• Personal Development
• Community Development
• Health and Well-being
• Social Groups
• School holiday programs

• Adult Education
• Computer Training
• Recreational Programs
• Community Outings
• Arts & Crafts
• Food relief

Some of our regular services include:
• Community Information
• Free Computer Access with Microsoft Office
• Free Internet Access
• Printing, Photocopying and Binding
• Justice of the Peace

We are located at
Garfield Recreation Reserve
(Garfield Pool Building)
Beswick Street
0428 372 686

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