Sponsor Business - Cannibal Creek Vineyard - Garfield Community Website

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Sponsor Business - Cannibal Creek Vineyard

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Sponsor Business

Local Wine and Food
made from the ground up

260 Tynong North Road
Tynong North 3813

Opening Hours
Friday to Sunday 11am – 5pm for lunch
and Friday nights for dinner from 6pm – 8pm

Local wine and food
made by hand from the ground up
Award-winning, single estate cool climate wines by Pat and Kirsten Hardiker

Hand picked single estate wine made in Gippsland

We are a small, award winning, single estate Vineyard, family owned and operated.  
We work here. We live here. We planted the vines twenty years ago and we still tend them by hand today.

Enjoy a seat at the long jarrah bar,
a table on the verandah,
sink into a lounge by the fire,
or spend a little longer over lunch tasting our range,
all of which is grown, picked and made onsite.

The original winery is housed in the old corrugated iron and timber barn, circa 1900's, built by nearby landowners the Weatherhead family, using timber from Weatherhead Hill, seen North from the deck.
It's where we still make our wine today, it also housed our original tasting bar since the beginning in 2000 (which can now be found down stairs in our cellar room) up until our new cellar door was completed in 2016.

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