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Sponsor Business - Garfield House

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Sponsor Business

Dedicated to giving you the very best of Coffee,
with our focus on Quality Customer Service,
Reliability and Dependability.

8 Jemima Court
Garfield 3814

Welcome to Garfield House.
Dear coffee enthusiasts,
Are you in search of a coffee experience that captures the essence of perfection in every sip?
Look no further!
Garfield House Coffee, a small and passionate coffee roaster committed to excellence, proudly roasting our captivating Garfield House Dark Roast.
At Garfield House, we believe that simplicity can be extraordinary. That's why we have meticulously crafted a single, signature blend that embodies the epitome of coffee bliss.
Garfield House Dark Roast available in 1KG bags Beans as well as Espresso and Plunger grinds.
With Garfield House Coffee you are Brewing Perfection, One Cup at a Time.

Online sales welcome
Daily deliveries from Longwarry to Tynong
GH Original Dark Roast – 1kg – Beans

Beans (Unground)

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From the slopes of Rwanda to the Mountainous farms of Columbia we have blended and roasted these two high quality coffee beans to make our own, we proudly call Garfield House Original Dark.
GH Original Dark Roast – 1kg – Ground

Ground Coffee – Ideal for Moka Pots, Machines and Coffee Plungers

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